MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 2 (mgmt). 1 (mib-2). 10 (transmission). 133 (optIfMibModule). 1 (optIfObjects). 9 (optIfODUkT). 1 (optIfODUkTConfigTable). 1 (optIfODUkTConfigEntry). 11 (optIfODUkTSinkMode)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. mgmt. mib-2. transmission. optIfMibModule. optIfObjects. optIfODUkT. optIfODUkTConfigTable. optIfODUkTConfigEntry. optIfODUkTSinkMode
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Module OPT-IF-MIB (ietf)
Description This variable specifies the TCM mode at the entity. The value operational(1) means that TCM Overhead (TCMOH) processes (see ITU-T G.798) shall be performed and consequent actions for AIS, Trail Signal Fail (TSF), Trail Signal Degraded (TSD) shall be initiated in case of defects. The value monitor(2) means that TCMOH processes shall be performed but consequent actions for AIS, Trail Server Failure (TSF), Trail Server Degraded (TSD) shall _not_ be initiated in case of defects. This object is applicable only when the value of optIfODUkTtpPresent is false(2) and also either one of the following three cases holds: (i) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value bidirectional(3), or (ii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value true(1), or (iii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(3) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value false(2). It must not be instantiated in rows for all other cases.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-operational, 2-monitor)