MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 2 (mgmt). 1 (mib-2). 34 (snanauMIB). 8 (tn3270eMIB). 1 (tn3270eObjects). 1 (tn3270eSrvrConfTable). 1 (tn3270eSrvrConfEntry). 9 (tn3270eSrvrConfSessionTermState)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. mgmt. mib-2. snanauMIB. tn3270eMIB. tn3270eObjects. tn3270eSrvrConfTable. tn3270eSrvrConfEntry. tn3270eSrvrConfSessionTermState
Pas d'enfants disponibles pour cet OID
Module TN3270E-MIB (CISCO)
Description This object determines what a TN3270E server should do when a TN3270 Session terminates: terminate(1) => Terminate the TCP connection. luSessionPend(2) => Do not drop the TCP connection associated with a client when its TN3270 session ends. Processing should redrive session initialization as if the client were first connecting. queueSession(3) => This value relates to the Close Destination PASS (CLSDST PASS) operation in VTAM. An example provides the easiest explanation. Suppose a TN3270E client is in session with APPL1, and APPL1 does a CLSDST PASS of the client's session to APPL2. queueSession(3) specifies that the TN3270E server must keep the TCP connection with the client active after it receives the UNBIND from APPL1, waiting for the BIND from APPL2.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-terminate, 2-luSessionPend, 3-queueSession)
Module TN3270E-MIB (ietf)
Description This object determines what a TN3270E server should do when a TN3270 Session terminates: terminate(1) => Terminate the TCP connection. luSessionPend(2) => Do not drop the TCP connection associated with a client when its TN3270 session ends. Processing should redrive session initialization as if the client were first connecting. queueSession(3) => This value relates to the Close Destination PASS (CLSDST PASS) operation in VTAM. An example provides the easiest explanation. Suppose a TN3270E client is in session with APPL1, and APPL1 does a CLSDST PASS of the client's session to APPL2. queueSession(3) specifies that the TN3270E server must keep the TCP connection with the client active after it receives the UNBIND from APPL1, waiting for the BIND from APPL2.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-terminate, 2-luSessionPend, 3-queueSession)