MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 6486 (alcatel). 801 (alcatelIND1BaseMIB). 1 (alcatelIND1Management). 1 (managementIND1Hardware). 1 (hardwareIND1Entities). 2 (hardentIND1System). 1 (alcatelIND1SystemMIB). 1 (alcatelIND1SystemMIBObjects). 5 (systemServices). 24 (systemServicesAction)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. alcatel. alcatelIND1BaseMIB. alcatelIND1Management. managementIND1Hardware. hardwareIND1Entities. hardentIND1System. alcatelIND1SystemMIB. alcatelIND1SystemMIBObjects. systemServices. systemServicesAction
Pas d'enfants disponibles pour cet OID
DescriptionThis object identifies which of the above Actions is to be performed by the System Services Application. Most Actions require one or more parameters be set before the Action is executed. systemServicesAction - 26 for bootrom, 27 for default miniboot, and 28 for backup miniboot use systemServicesArg1 for name of the file scp- the first 2 arguments are going to be used. Set arg 1 with the source and the arg 2 with the destination file(s). E.g. scp LocalDir/testfileX.txt admin@ For mount and umount, systemServicesArg1 specifies the mount point (such as /uflash). For newfs, systemServicesArg1 contains the name of the file-system (/uflash or /flash) which will be created. On /uflash, a FAT16 file system is created with long name naming conventions. For fsck, systemServicesArg1 contains the name of the file-system (/uflash or /flash) which will be checked and systemServicesArg2 will contain the string repair or no-repair depending on if autocorrection is requested. To see all file systems currently mounted, refer to the systemFileSystemTable. For backup and restore, systemServicesArg1 contains the archive name and systemServicesArg2 through Arg9 contains the directories and/or files to be archived/extracted. For newfs, fsck, backup and restore, the systemServicesActionPercentComplete variable can be inspected to see a progress indication.
SyntaxeEnumeration (0-noaction, 1-mkdir, 2-rmdir, 3-mv, 4-rm, 5-rmr, 6-cp, 7-cpr, 8-chmodpw, 9-chmodmw, 10-fsck, 11-ftp, 12-rz, 13-vi, 14-telnet, 15-install, 16-ed, 17-more, 18-newfs, 19-dshell, 20-view, 21-modbootparams, 22-filedir, 23-ssh, 24-sftp, 25-debugPmdNi, 26-bootrom, 27-defaultminiboot, 28-backupminiboot, 29-fpgacmm, 30-ubootcmm, 31-ubootni, 32-scp, 33-aclman, 34-ubootMinibootAllSlots, 35-miniboot, 36-upgradeLicence, 37-restoreLicence, 38-updateDSineXtroller, 39-ftp6, 40-telnet6, 41-ssh6, 42-sftp6, 43-mount, 44-unmount, 45-backup, 46-restore, 47-tftp, 48-fscollect, 49-fpgani)