MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 9 (cisco). 10 (ciscoExperiment). 25 (ciscoDialControlMib). 1 (ciscoDialControlMibObjects). 4 (cCallHistory). 3 (cCallHistoryTable). 1 (cCallHistoryEntry). 20 (cCallHistoryReleaseSrc)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. cisco. ciscoExperiment. ciscoDialControlMib. ciscoDialControlMibObjects. cCallHistory. cCallHistoryTable. cCallHistoryEntry. cCallHistoryReleaseSrc
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Description Originator of the call release. Indicates the source of the call release as follows : 1) callingPartyInPstn : Calling party in PSTN. 2) callingPartyInVoip : Calling party in VoIP. 3) calledPartyInPstn : Called party in PSTN. 4) calledPartyInVoip : Called party in VoIP. 5) internalReleaseInPotsLeg : Due to an internal error in Telephony call leg. 6) internalReleaseInVoipLeg : Due to an internal error in VoIP call leg. 7) internalCallControlApp : Due to an internal error in Session Application or Tcl or VXML script originated release. 8) internalReleaseInVoipAAA : Due to an internal error in VoIP AAA module. 9) consoleCommand : Due to CLI or MML. 10) externalRadiusServer : Call failed during authorization , authentication or due to receipt of POD from the RADIUS server. 11) externalNmsApp : Due to SNMP request to clear the call. 12) externalCallControlAgent : External Call Control Agent initiated clear. 13) gatekeeper : Gatekeeper initiated clear due to receipt of Admission Reject, Disengage Request message. 14) externalGKTMPServer : External GKTMP server initiated clear due to receipt of Admission Reject message from the gatekeeper, triggered by RESPONSE.ARJ message from the GKTMP server.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-callingPartyInPstn, 2-callingPartyInVoip, 3-calledPartyInPstn, 4-calledPartyInVoip, 5-internalReleaseInPotsLeg, 6-internalReleaseInVoipLeg, 7-internalCallControlApp, 8-internalReleaseInVoipAAA, 9-consoleCommand, 10-externalRadiusServer, 11-externalNmsApp, 12-externalCallControlAgent, 13-gatekeeper, 14-externalGKTMPServer)