MIB Discovery
1932 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 0. 8802. 17. 1. 1 (ieee802dot17rprMIB). 1 (rprObjects). 1 (rprGeneral). 4 (rprSpanProtectionTable). 1 (rprSpanProtectionEntry). 5 (rprSpanProtectionCommand)
OID : 1.0.8802.
TXT : iso. 0. 8802. 17. 1. ieee802dot17rprMIB. rprObjects. rprGeneral. rprSpanProtectionTable. rprSpanProtectionEntry. rprSpanProtectionCommand
Pas d'enfants disponibles pour cet OID
DescriptionThe protection mode requested by management for the local station that can affect the protection status of the RPR station, according to the set of rules describing the RPR protection. When read, this object returns the last command written unless it has been preempted, or idle if no command has been written to this interface span since initialization. There is no pending of commands, that is if a command has been preempted by a failure, when the failure clears the command is not executed. If the command cannot be executed because an equal or \ higher priority request is in effect, an error is returned. writing idle to a span that has no pending protection command, has no affect. An idle clears an active WTR state. The protection commands (arranged in ascending priority order) are: idle This command clears the protection for the specified interface span. This value should be returned by a read request when no protection command has been written to the object. manualSwitch A protection command on each end of a specified span. This command doesn't have precedence over automatic protection, and therefore it can't preempt an existing automatic protection request. forcedSwitch A command on each end of a specified span. This command has precedence over automatic protection, and therefore it can preempt an existing automatic protection request. Default value of protection command is idle.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-idle, 2-manualSwitch, 3-forcedSwitch)