MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 2 (member-body). 840 (us). 10036 (ieee802dot11). 1 (dot11smt). 1 (dot11StationConfigTable). 1 (dot11StationConfigEntry). 11 (dot11OperationalRateSet)
OID : 1.2.840.10036.
TXT : iso. member-body. us. ieee802dot11. dot11smt. dot11StationConfigTable. dot11StationConfigEntry. dot11OperationalRateSet
Pas d'enfants disponibles pour cet OID
Module IEEE802dot11-MIB (CISCO)
DescriptionThis attribute shall specify the set of data rates at which the station may transmit data. Each octet contains a value representing a rate. Each rate shall be within the range from 2 to 127, corresponding to data rates in increments of 500 kbit/s from 1 Mbit/s to 63.5 Mbit/s, and shall be supported (as indicated in the supported rates table) for receiving data. This value is reported in transmitted Beacon, Probe Request, Probe Response, Association Request, Association Response, Reassociation Request, and Reassociation Response frames, and is used to determine whether a BSS with which the station desires to synchronize is suitable. It is also used when starting a BSS, as specified in 10.3.
SyntaxeOctetString (1...126)