OID | 1.2.840.10036. |
Module | IEEE802dot11-MIB (CISCO) |
Nom | dot11RegDomainsSupportedValue |
Acces | readonly |
Status | current |
Description | There are different operational requirements dependent on the regulatory domain. This attribute list describes the regulatory domains the PLCP and PMD support in this implementation. Currently defined values and their corresponding Regulatory Domains are: FCC (USA) = X'10', DOC (Canada) = X'20', ETSI (most of Europe) = X'30', Spain = X'31', France = X'32', MKK (Japan) = X'40' |
Syntaxe | Enumeration (16-fcc, 32-doc, 48-etsi, 49-spain, 50-france, 64-mkk) |