MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 111. 2. 802. 1. 1 (ieee802dot1mibs). 18 (ieee8021CnMib). 1 (ieee8021CnMIBObjects). 5 (ieee8021CnCpTable)
TXT : iso. org. 111. 2. 802. 1. ieee802dot1mibs. ieee8021CnMib. ieee8021CnMIBObjects. ieee8021CnCpTable
Module IEEE8021-CN-MIB (DELL)
DescriptionEach row in this table supplies values for one Congestion Point (CP). This table is indexed by component, port (interface), and an arbitrary CP index. This arbitrary CP index is not necessarily the Congestion Point Identifier (CPID) carried in Congestion Notification Messages (CNMs). Creating an entry in ieee8021CnCompntPriTable can create an entry in this table, with the default values, on all ports in the bridge component or end station. Because more than one Congestion Notification Priority Value (CNPV) can flow through a single CP, the creation of an entry in ieee8021CnCompntPriTable does not necessarily create a new entry in this table. An end station can have more than one CP for the same CNPV, so creating an entry in ieee8021CnCompntPriTable can create multiple entries in this table. Because each port in a bridge component or end station can have a different relationship between CNPVs and CPs, the entries created or deleted on each port can be different. Deleting the last entry in ieee8021CnCompntPriTable for a CNPV passing through the CP controlled by this entry deletes the entry on some or all of the ports in the bridge component or end station. Because each port in a bridge component or end station can have a different relationship between CNPVs and CPs, the entries created or deleted on each port can be different. The relationship between ieee8021CnCpIndex values and CPs is an implementation dependent matter. The contents of this table SHALL be maintained across a restart of the system, except as noted in the description of ieee8021CnCpIfIndex.
Module IEEE8021-CN-MIB (Alcatel)
DescriptionEach row in this table supplies values for one Congestion Point (CP). This table is indexed by component, port (interface), and an arbitrary CP index. This arbitrary CP index is not necessarily the Congestion Point Identifier (CPID) carried in Congestion Notification Messages (CNMs). Creating an entry in ieee8021CnCompntPriTable can create an entry in this table, with the default values, on all ports in the bridge component or end station. Because more than one Congestion Notification Priority Value (CNPV) can flow through a single CP, the creation of an entry in ieee8021CnCompntPriTable does not necessarily create a new entry in this table. An end station can have more than one CP for the same CNPV, so creating an entry in ieee8021CnCompntPriTable can create multiple entries in this table. Because each port in a bridge component or end station can have a different relationship between CNPVs and CPs, the entries created or deleted on each port can be different. Deleting the last entry in ieee8021CnCompntPriTable for a CNPV passing through the CP controlled by this entry deletes the entry on some or all of the ports in the bridge component or end station. Because each port in a bridge component or end station can have a different relationship between CNPVs and CPs, the entries created or deleted on each port can be different. The relationship between ieee8021CnCpIndex values and CPs is an implementation dependent matter. The contents of this table SHALL be maintained across a restart of the system, except as noted in the description of ieee8021CnCpIfIndex.