MIB Discovery
1932 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 111. 2. 802. 1. 1 (ieee802dot1mibs). 2 (ieee8021BridgeMib). 1 (ieee8021BridgeObjects). 1 (ieee8021BridgeBase). 1 (ieee8021BridgeBaseTable). 1 (ieee8021BridgeBaseEntry). 5 (ieee8021BridgeBaseDeviceCapabilities)
TXT : iso. org. 111. 2. 802. 1. ieee802dot1mibs. ieee8021BridgeMib. ieee8021BridgeObjects. ieee8021BridgeBase. ieee8021BridgeBaseTable. ieee8021BridgeBaseEntry. ieee8021BridgeBaseDeviceCapabilities
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Module IEEE8021-BRIDGE-MIB (Alcatel)
Description Indicates the optional parts of IEEE 802.1D and 802.1Q that are implemented by this device and are manageable through this MIB. Capabilities that are allowed on a per-port basis are indicated in ieee8021BridgeBasePortCapabilities. dot1dExtendedFilteringServices(0), -- can perform filtering of -- individual multicast addresses -- controlled by MMRP. dot1dTrafficClasses(1), -- can map user priority to -- multiple traffic classes. dot1qStaticEntryIndividualPort(2), -- dot1qStaticUnicastReceivePort & -- dot1qStaticMulticastReceivePort -- can represent non-zero entries. dot1qIVLCapable(3), -- Independent VLAN Learning (IVL). dot1qSVLCapable(4), -- Shared VLAN Learning (SVL). dot1qHybridCapable(5), -- both IVL & SVL simultaneously. dot1qConfigurablePvidTagging(6), -- whether the implementation -- supports the ability to -- override the default PVID -- setting and its egress status -- (VLAN-Tagged or Untagged) on -- each port. dot1dLocalVlanCapable(7) -- can support multiple local -- bridges, outside of the scope -- of 802.1Q defined VLANs. This object may not be modified while the corresponding instance of ieee8021BridgeBaseRowStatus is active(1). The value of this object MUST be retained across reinitializations of the management system.
SyntaxeBits (0-dot1dExtendedFilteringServices, 1-dot1dTrafficClasses, 2-dot1qStaticEntryIndividualPort, 3-dot1qIVLCapable, 4-dot1qSVLCapable, 5-dot1qHybridCapable, 6-dot1qConfigurablePvidTagging, 7-dot1dLocalVlanCapable)