OID | |
Module | GMPLS-LSR-STD-MIB (ietf) |
Nom | gmplsOutSegmentTTLDecrement |
Acces | readwrite |
Status | current |
Description | This object indicates the amount by which to decrement the Time to Live (TTL) of any payload packets forwarded on this segment if per-hop decrementing is being done. A value of zero indicates that no decrement should be made or that per-hop decrementing is not in use. See the gmplsTunnelTTLDecrement object in the gmplsTunnelTable of GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB for a value by which to decrement the TTL for the whole of a tunnel. This object cannot be modified if mplsOutSegmentRowStatus for the associated entry in the mplsOutSegmentTable is active(1). |
Syntaxe | Unsigned32 |