MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 2 (mgmt). 1 (mib-2). 10 (transmission). 227 (lmpMIB). 1 (lmpObjects). 18 (lmpNotificationMaxRate)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. mgmt. mib-2. transmission. lmpMIB. lmpObjects. lmpNotificationMaxRate
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Module LMP-MIB (ietf)
DescriptionThe LMP notification rate depends on the size of the network, the type of links, the network configuration, the reliability of the network, etc. When this MIB was designed, care was taken to minimize the amount of notifications generated for LMP purposes. Wherever possible, notifications are state driven, meaning that the notifications are sent only when the system changes state. The only notifications that are repeated and that could cause a problem as far as congestion is concerned are the ones associated with data link verification. Without any considerations to handling of these notifications, a problem may arise if the number of data links is high. Since the data link verification notifications can happen only once per data link per link verification interval, the notification rate should be sustainable if one chooses an appropriate link verification interval for a given network configuration. For instance, a network of 100 nodes with 5 links of 128 wavelengths each and a link verification of 1 minute, where no more than 10% of the links failed at any given time, would have 1 notification per second sent from each node, or 100 notifications per second for the whole network. The rest of the notifications are negligible compared to this number. To alleviate the congestion problem, the lmpNotificationMaxRate object can be used to implement a throttling mechanism. It is also possible to enable/disable certain type of notifications. This variable indicates the maximum number of notifications issued per minute. If events occur more rapidly, the implementation may simply fail to emit these notifications during that period or may queue them until an appropriate time. A value of 0 means that no throttling is applied and events may be notified at the rate at which they occur. Implementations should save the value of this object in persistent memory so that it survives restarts or reboot.