MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 2 (mgmt). 1 (mib-2). 10 (transmission). 94 (adslMIB). 1 (adslLineMib). 1 (adslMibObjects). 15 (adslLineAlarmConfProfileTable). 1 (adslLineAlarmConfProfileEntry)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. mgmt. mib-2. transmission. adslMIB. adslLineMib. adslMibObjects. adslLineAlarmConfProfileTable. adslLineAlarmConfProfileEntry
DescriptionEach entry consists of a list of parameters that represents the configuration of an ADSL modem. When `dynamic' profiles are implemented, a profile is created in one step with all necessary parameter values and adslLineProfileRowStatus set to createAndGo. This RowStatus object is also used to destroy profiles. Also when `dynamic' profiles are implemented, a default profile will always exist. This profile's name will be set to `DEFVAL' and its parameters will be set to vendor specific values, unless otherwise specified in this document. When `static' profiles are implemented, profiles are automically created or destroyed as ADSL physical lines are discovered and removed by the system. The name of the profile will be equivalent to the decimal value of the line's interface index.
Module ADSL-LINE-MIB (ietf)
DescriptionEach entry consists of a list of parameters that represents the configuration of an ADSL modem. When `dynamic' profiles are implemented, a default profile will always exist. This profile's name will be set to `DEFVAL' and its parameters will be set to vendor specific values, unless otherwise specified in this document. When `static' profiles are implemented, profiles are automaticly created or destroyed as ADSL physical lines are discovered and removed by the system. The name of the profile will be equivalent to the decimal value of the line's interface index.