MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 2 (mgmt). 1 (mib-2). 116 (tripMIB). 1 (tripMIBObjects). 4 (tripPeerTable). 1 (tripPeerEntry). 5 (tripPeerState)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. mgmt. mib-2. tripMIB. tripMIBObjects. tripPeerTable. tripPeerEntry. tripPeerState
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Module TRIP-MIB (ietf)
Description TRIP Peer Finite State Machine state. idle(1) : The initial state. Local LS refuses all incoming connections. No application resources are allocated to processing information about the remote peer. connect(2) : Local LS waiting for a transport protocol connection to be completed to the peer, and is listening for inbound transport connections from the peer. active(3) : Local LS is listening for an inbound connection from the peer, but is not in the process of initiating a connection to the remote peer. openSent(4) : Local LS has sent an OPEN message to its peer and is waiting for an OPEN message from the remote peer. openConfirm(5): Local LS has sent an OPEN message to the remote peer, received an OPEN message from the remote peer, and sent a KEEPALIVE message in response to the OPEN. The local LS is now waiting for a KEEPALIVE message or a NOTIFICATION message in response to its OPEN message. established(6): LS can exchange UPDATE, NOTIFICATION, and KEEPALIVE messages with its peer.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-idle, 2-connect, 3-active, 4-openSent, 5-openConfirm, 6-established)