MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 2 (mgmt). 1 (mib-2). 124 (pmMib). 8 (pmSchedTable). 1 (pmSchedEntry). 6 (pmSchedDay)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. mgmt. mib-2. pmMib. pmSchedTable. pmSchedEntry. pmSchedDay
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DescriptionWithin the overall time period specified in the pmSchedTimePeriod object, the value of this object specifies the specific days of the month within that time period when the schedule is active. There are two sets of bits one can use to define the day within a month: Enumerations starting with the letter 'd' indicate a day in a month relative to the first day of a month. The first day of the month can therefore be specified by setting the bit d1(0), and d31(30) means the last day of a month with 31 days. Enumerations starting with the letter 'r' indicate a day in a month in reverse order, relative to the last day of a month. The last day in the month can therefore be specified by setting the bit r1(31), and r31(61) means the first day of a month with 31 days. Setting multiple bits will include several days in the set of possible days for this schedule. Setting all bits starting with the letter 'd' or all bits starting with the letter 'r' will cause the schedule to act independently of the day of the month.
SyntaxeBits (0-d1, 1-d2, 2-d3, 3-d4, 4-d5, 5-d6, 6-d7, 7-d8, 8-d9, 9-d10, 10-d11, 11-d12, 12-d13, 13-d14, 14-d15, 15-d16, 16-d17, 17-d18, 18-d19, 19-d20, 20-d21, 21-d22, 22-d23, 23-d24, 24-d25, 25-d26, 26-d27, 27-d28, 28-d29, 29-d30, 30-d31, 31-r1, 32-r2, 33-r3, 34-r4, 35-r5, 36-r6, 37-r7, 38-r8, 39-r9, 40-r10, 41-r11, 42-r12, 43-r13, 44-r14, 45-r15, 46-r16, 47-r17, 48-r18, 49-r19, 50-r20, 51-r21, 52-r22, 53-r23, 54-r24, 55-r25, 56-r26, 57-r27, 58-r28, 59-r29, 60-r30, 61-r31)