Description | This object specifies the maximum number of retries the
MTA attempts to obtain a ticket from the KDC.
Unsolicited key updates are retransmitted according to an
exponential back-off mechanism using two timers and a
maximum retry counter for AS replies.
The initial retransmission timer value is the nominal
timer value (pktcMtaDevRealmUnsolicitedKeyNomTimeout). The
retransmissions occur with an exponentially increasing
interval that caps at the maximum timeout value
Retransmissions stop when the maximum retry counter is
reached (pktcMatDevRealmUnsolicitedMaxRetries).
For example, with values of 3 seconds for the nominal
timer, 20 seconds for the maximum timeout, and 5 retries
max, retransmission intervals will be 3 s, 6 s,
12 s, 20 s, and 20 s; retransmissions then stop because
the maximum number of retries has been reached. |