MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 2 (mgmt). 1 (mib-2). 16 (rmon). 23 (apm). 1 (apmMibObjects). 1 (apmAppDirTable). 1 (apmAppDirEntry). 2 (apmAppDirResponsivenessType)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. mgmt. mib-2. rmon. apm. apmMibObjects. apmAppDirTable. apmAppDirEntry. apmAppDirResponsivenessType
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Module APM-MIB (ietf)
DescriptionThis object describes and configures the agent's support for application performance measurement for this application. There are 3 types of measurements for different types of applications: Transaction-Oriented applications have a fairly constant workload to perform for all transactions. The responsiveness metric for transaction-oriented applications is application response time (from first request to final delivery of service) and is measured in milliseconds. This is commonly referred to as end-user response time. Throughput-Oriented applications have widely varying workloads based on the nature of the client request. In particular, throughput-oriented applications vary widely in the amount of data that must be transported to satisfy the request. The responsiveness metric for throughput-oriented applications is kilobits per second. Streaming-Oriented applications deliver data at a constant metered rate of speed regardless of the responsiveness of the networking and computing infrastructure. This constant rate of speed is generally specified to be below (sometimes well below) the nominal capability of the infrastructure. However, when the infrastructures cannot deliver data at this speed, interruption of service or degradation of service can result. The responsiveness metric for streaming-oriented applications is the ratio of time that the service is degraded or interrupted to the total service time. This metric is measured in parts per million. Note that for some applications, measuring more than one responsiveness type may be interesting. For agents that wish to support more than one measurement for a application, they will populate this table with multiple entries for that application, one for each type.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-transactionOriented, 2-throughputOriented, 3-streamingOriented)