Description | The interval in seconds over which data is accumulated before
being aggregated into a report in the apmReportTable. All
reports with the same apmReportControlIndex will be based on
the same interval. This object must be greater than zero.
Many users desire that these reports be synchronized to within
seconds of the beginning of the hour because the results may
be correlated more meaningfully to business behavior and so
that data from multiple agents is aggregated over the same
time periods. Thus management software may take extra effort
to synchronize reports to the beginning of the hour and to one
another. However, the agent must not allow reports to 'drift'
over time as they will quickly become unsynchronized. In
particular, if there is any fixed processing delay between
reports, the reports should deduct this time from the interval
so that reports don't drift.
This object may not be modified if the associated
apmReportControlStatus object is equal to active(1). |