Description | The operational mode of the Zone Server.
Setting this object to 'enhanced' is a request that the mode
of operation of the Zone Server be Enhanced mode, which is
only possible if all devices in the Fibre Channel Fabric are
capable of working in Enhanced mode. If not, the request
will fail and the corresponding value of
t11ZsServerChangeModeResult will so indicate.
Setting this object to 'basic' is a request that the mode
of operation of the Zone Server be Basic mode. However,
such a set may fail while operating in Enhanced mode,
since FC-GS-5 makes no provision for changing (back)
to Basic mode.
Note that setting this object does not cause or require
that the Fabric lock for the Zone Server be obtained.
However, when this object has the value 'enhanced', any SNMP
SetRequests that attempt to modify the copy database cannot
be successful if the Fabric lock has not been obtained
or has since been released. |