Description | IP version of the external address (A3) and the outside
address (A2). Allowed values are ipv4(1) and ipv6(2).
This object is used as input to a request for establishing
a policy rule as well as for indicating the properties of
an established policy rule.
If object midcomRuleOperStatus of the same entry has the
value newEntry(1) or setting(2), then this object can be
written by a manager in order to specify the IP version
required at the outside of the middlebox. Writing to
this object in any state other than newEntry(1) or
setting(2) will always fail with an 'inconsistentValue'
Note that this error code is SNMP specific. If the MIB
module is used with other protocols than SNMP, errors with
similar semantics specific to those protocols should be
If object midcomRuleOperStatus of the same entry has the
value reserved(7) or enabled(8), then this object
indicates the external/outside IP version.
If object midcomRuleOperStatus of the same entry has a
value other than newEntry(1), setting(2), reserved(7) or
enabled(8), then the value of this object is irrelevant. |