OID | |
Module | MIDCOM-MIB (ietf) |
Nom | midcomRscNatInsideAddrBindId |
Acces | readonly |
Status | current |
Description | This object refers to the allocated external NAT bind that is used by this policy rule. A NAT bind describes the mapping of external addresses to inside addresses. MIDCOM-MIB implementations can read this object to learn the corresponding NAT bind resource for this particular policy rule. If the MIDCOM-MIB module is operated together with the NAT-MIB module (RFC 4008), then object midcomRscNatInsideAddrBindId contains the same value as the corresponding object natSessionPrivateDstEPBindId of the NAT-MIB module. |
Syntaxe | NatBindIdOrZero (NAT-MIB) |