OID | |
Module | NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (ietf) |
Nom | applOperStatus |
Acces | readonly |
Status | current |
Description | Indicates the operational status of the network service application. 'down' indicates that the network service is not available. 'up' indicates that the network service is operational and available. 'halted' indicates that the service is operational but not available. 'congested' indicates that the service is operational but no additional inbound associations can be accommodated. 'restarting' indicates that the service is currently unavailable but is in the process of restarting and will be available soon. 'quiescing' indicates that service is currently operational but is in the process of shutting down. Additional inbound associations may be rejected by applications in the 'quiescing' state. |
Syntaxe | Enumeration (1-up, 2-down, 3-halted, 4-congested, 5-restarting, 6-quiescing) |