MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 2 (mgmt). 1 (mib-2). 34 (snanauMIB). 3 (appcMIB). 1 (appcObjects). 5 (appcConversation). 1 (appcActiveConvTable). 1 (appcActiveConvEntry). 5 (appcActiveConvState)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. mgmt. mib-2. snanauMIB. appcMIB. appcObjects. appcConversation. appcActiveConvTable. appcActiveConvEntry. appcActiveConvState
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Module APPC-MIB (ietf)
Description Indicates the state of the conversation at the instant when the information was retrieved. The values are: reset The conversation is reset (i.e., deallocated). send The conversation can send data. This value also is returned if the conversation is in Send-Pending state. receive The conversation can receive data. confirm The conversation has received a confirm indicator. It can issue an [MC_]CONFIRMED or [MC_]SEND_ERROR verb to change state. It will continue in Receive state if an [MC_]CONFIRMED verb is issued. confirmSend The conversation is in Confirm state and changes to Send state when an [MC_]CONFIRMED verb is issued. confirmDealloc The conversation is in Confirm state and becomes inactive when an [MC_]CONFIRMED verb is issued. pendingDeallocate The conversation is in Pending-Deallocate state while it waits for (MC_)DEALLOCATE TYPE (sync_level) to complete. pendingPost The conversation is in Pending-Post state while it waits for the [MC_]RECEIVE_AND_POST verb to complete its receive function. sendReceive The full-duplex conversation can send or receive data. sendOnly The full-duplex conversation can send data, but it does not have permission to receive data, because the partner TP has already deallocated its side of the conversation. receiveOnly The full-duplex conversation can receive data, but it does not have permission to send data, because it has already deallocated its side of the conversation. deferReceive Waiting for a successful SYNCPT verb operation to go into the receive state. deferDeallocate Waiting for a successful SYNCPT verb operation to go into the reset state. syncpoint Need to response to a SYNCPT verb issued. After successful operation, the next state will be receive. syncpointSend Need to response to a SYNCPT verb issued. After successful operation, the next state will be send. syncpointDeallocate Need to response to a SYNCPT verb issued. After successful operation, the next state will be reset. backoutRequired TP must execute a BACKOUT verb to backout the transaction.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-reset, 2-send, 3-receive, 4-confirm, 5-confirmSend, 6-confirmDealloc, 7-pendingDeallocate, 8-pendingPost, 9-sendReceive, 10-sendOnly, 11-receiveOnly, 12-deferReceive, 13-deferDeallocate, 14-syncpoint, 15-syncpointSend, 16-syncpointDeallocate, 17-backoutRequired)