MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 2 (mgmt). 1 (mib-2). 34 (snanauMIB). 8 (tn3270eMIB). 1 (tn3270eObjects). 1 (tn3270eSrvrConfTable)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. mgmt. mib-2. snanauMIB. tn3270eMIB. tn3270eObjects. tn3270eSrvrConfTable
Module TN3270E-MIB (CISCO)
DescriptionThis table defines the configuration elements for TN3270E servers. The number of entries in this table is expected to vary depending on the location of the table. A particular TN3270E server is expected to have a single entry. Modeling of the configuration elements as a table allows multiple TN3270E servers to be serviced by the same SNMP agent. An implementation SHOULD NOT retain an SNMP-created entry in this table across re-IPLs (Initial Program Loads) of the corresponding TN3270E server.
Module TN3270E-MIB (ietf)
DescriptionThis table defines the configuration elements for TN3270E servers. The number of entries in this table is expected to vary depending on the location of the table. A particular TN3270E server is expected to have a single entry. Modeling of the configuration elements as a table allows multiple TN3270E servers to be serviced by the same SNMP agent. An implementation SHOULD NOT retain an SNMP-created entry in this table across re-IPLs (Initial Program Loads) of the corresponding TN3270E server.