MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 2 (mgmt). 1 (mib-2). 34 (snanauMIB). 8 (tn3270eMIB). 1 (tn3270eObjects). 7 (tn3270eClientResMapTable)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. mgmt. mib-2. snanauMIB. tn3270eMIB. tn3270eObjects. tn3270eClientResMapTable
Module TN3270E-MIB (CISCO)
DescriptionThis table defines resource-pool to client-group mappings. Since both the resource pool name and client group name are included in the index clause of this table, multiple resource pools can be assigned to the same client group. This enables use of multiple resource pools for use in client to resource mapping. Assigning multiple client groups to the same resource pool is also allowed, but is not the primary purpose for how the indexing is structured. Assignment of a resource pool to client group can be restricted based on TCP port. An index value of 0 for tn3270eClientResMapClientPort disables restriction of resource assignment based on client target port selection. No entry in this table shall exist without a corresponding (same tn3270eSrvrConfIndex) entry in the tn3270eSrvrConfTable existing. An implementation SHOULD NOT retain SNMP-created entries in this table across re-IPLs (Initial Program Loads) of the corresponding TN3270E server.
Module TN3270E-MIB (ietf)
DescriptionThis table defines resource-pool to client-group mappings. Since both the resource pool name and client group name are included in the index clause of this table, multiple resource pools can be assigned to the same client group. This enables use of multiple resource pools for use in client to resource mapping. Assigning multiple client groups to the same resource pool is also allowed, but is not the primary purpose for how the indexing is structured. Assignment of a resource pool to client group can be restricted based on TCP port. An index value of 0 for tn3270eClientResMapClientPort disables restriction of resource assignment based on client target port selection. No entry in this table shall exist without a corresponding (same tn3270eSrvrConfIndex) entry in the tn3270eSrvrConfTable existing. An implementation SHOULD NOT retain SNMP-created entries in this table across re-IPLs (Initial Program Loads) of the corresponding TN3270E server.