OID | |
Nom | sdlcLSAdminMAXIN |
Acces | readwrite |
Status | current |
Description | This object controls the maximum number of unacknowledged I-frames which an SDLC link station may receive. This should range from 1 to (sdlcLSAdminMODULO - 1). This value is sent in the XID to the ALS. A write operation to this administered value will not change the operational value, sdlcLSOperMAXIN, until the link station is cycled inactive. |
Syntaxe | Integer32 (1...127) |
Module | SNA-SDLC-MIB (ietf) |
Nom | sdlcLSAdminMAXIN |
Acces | readwrite |
Status | current |
Description | This object controls the maximum number of unacknowledged I-frames which an SDLC link station may receive. This should range from 1 to (sdlcLSAdminMODULO - 1). This value is sent in the XID to the ALS. A write operation to this administered value will not change the operational value, sdlcLSOperMAXIN, until the link station is cycled inactive. |
Syntaxe | Integer32 (1...127) |