MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 2 (mgmt). 1 (mib-2). 43 (printmib). 5 (prtGeneral). 1 (prtGeneralTable). 1 (prtGeneralEntry). 5 (prtGeneralServicePerson)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. mgmt. mib-2. printmib. prtGeneral. prtGeneralTable. prtGeneralEntry. prtGeneralServicePerson
Pas d'enfants disponibles pour cet OID
Module Printer-MIB (CISCO)
DescriptionThe name of the person responsible for servicing this printer. It is suggested that this string include information that would enable other humans to reach the service person, such as a phone number. As a convention to facilitate automatic notification of the operator by the agent or network management station, the phone number, fax number or email address should be indicated by the URL schemes 'tel:', 'fax:' and 'mailto:', respectively. If either the phone, fax, or email information is not available, then a line should not be included for this information. NOTE: For interoperability purposes, it is advisable to use email addresses formatted per [RFC2822] requirements. NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759 for clarification.
SyntaxeOctetString (0...127)
Module Printer-MIB (ietf)
DescriptionThe name of the person responsible for servicing this printer. It is suggested that this string include information that would enable other humans to reach the service person, such as a phone number. As a convention to facilitate automatic notification of the operator by the agent or network management station, the phone number, fax number or email address should be indicated by the URL schemes 'tel:', 'fax:' and 'mailto:', respectively. If either the phone, fax, or email information is not available, then a line should not be included for this information. NOTE: For interoperability purposes, it is advisable to use email addresses formatted per [RFC2822] requirements. NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759 for clarification.
SyntaxeOctetString (0...127)