MIB Discovery
1932 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 2 (mgmt). 1 (mib-2). 53 (vgRptrMIB). 1 (vgRptrObjects). 1 (vgRptrBasic). 3 (vgRptrBasicPort). 1 (vgRptrBasicPortTable). 1 (vgRptrBasicPortEntry). 7 (vgRptrPortAllowedTrainType)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. mgmt. mib-2. vgRptrMIB. vgRptrObjects. vgRptrBasic. vgRptrBasicPort. vgRptrBasicPortTable. vgRptrBasicPortEntry. vgRptrPortAllowedTrainType
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Module DOT12-RPTR-MIB (ietf)
Description This security object is set by the network manager to configure what type of device is permitted to connect to the port. One of the following values: allowEndNodesOnly - only non- promiscuous end nodes permitted. allowPromiscuousEndNodes - promiscuous or non-promiscuous end nodes permitted allowEndNodesOrRepeaters - repeaters or non- promiscuous end nodes permitted allowAnything - repeaters, promiscuous or non-promiscuous end nodes permitted For a port for which vgRptrPortType is equal to 'cascadeInternal' or 'cascadeExternal', the corresponding instance of this object may not be set to 'allowEndNodesOnly' or 'allowPromiscuousEndNodes'. The agent must reject a SET of this object if the value includes no capabilities that are supported by this port's hardware, as defined by the values of the corresponding instances of vgRptrPortSupportedPromiscMode and vgRptrPortSupportedCascadeMode. Note that vgRptrPortSupportPromiscMode and vgRptrPortSupportedCascadeMode represent what the port hardware is capable of supporting. vgRptrPortAllowedTrainType is used for setting an administrative policy for a port. The actual set of training configurations that will be allowed to succeed on a port is the intersection of what the hardware will support and what is administratively allowed. The above requirement on what values may be set to this object says that the intersection of what is supported and what is allowed must be non-empty. In other words, it must not result in a situation in which nothing would be allowed to train on that port. However, a value can be set to this object as long as the combination of this object and what is supported by the hardware would still leave at least one configuration that could successfully train on the port. The value of this object should be preserved across repeater resets and power failures.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-allowEndNodesOnly, 2-allowPromiscuousEndNodes, 3-allowEndNodesOrRepeaters, 4-allowAnything)