OID | |
Module | DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB (ietf) |
Nom | smScriptOperStatus |
Acces | readonly |
Status | current |
Description | The actual status of the script in the runtime system. The value of this object is only meaningful when the value of the smScriptRowStatus object is `active'. The smScriptOperStatus object may have the following values: - `enabled' indicates that the script is available and can be started by a launch table entry. - `disabled' indicates that the script can not be used. - `editing' indicates that the script can be modified in the smCodeTable. - `retrieving' indicates that the script is currently being loaded from non-volatile storage or a remote system. - `compiling' indicates that the script is currently being compiled by the runtime system. - `noSuchScript' indicates that the script does not exist at the smScriptSource. - `accessDenied' indicates that the script can not be loaded from the smScriptSource due to a lack of permissions. - `wrongLanguage' indicates that the script can not be loaded from the smScriptSource because of a language mismatch. - `wrongVersion' indicates that the script can not be loaded from the smScriptSource because of a language version mismatch. - `compilationFailed' indicates that the compilation failed. - `noResourcesLeft' indicates that the runtime system does not have enough resources to load the script. - `unknownProtocol' indicates that the script could not be loaded from the smScriptSource because the requested protocol is not supported. - `protocolFailure' indicates that the script could not be loaded from the smScriptSource because of a protocol failure. - `genericError' indicates that the script could not be loaded due to an error condition not listed above. The `retrieving' and `compiling' states are transient states which will either lead to one of the error states or the `enabled' state. The `disabled' and `editing' states are administrative states which are only reached by explicit management operations. All launch table entries that refer to this script table entry shall have an smLaunchOperStatus value of `disabled' when the value of this object is not `enabled'. |
Syntaxe | Enumeration (1-enabled, 2-disabled, 3-editing, 4-retrieving, 5-compiling, 6-noSuchScript, 7-accessDenied, 8-wrongLanguage, 9-wrongVersion, 10-compilationFailed, 11-noResourcesLeft, 12-unknownProtocol, 13-protocolFailure, 14-genericError) |