MIB Discovery
1932 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 2 (mgmt). 1 (mib-2). 64 (scriptMIB). 1 (smObjects). 3 (smScriptObjects). 1 (smScriptTable). 1 (smScriptEntry). 7 (smScriptOperStatus)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. mgmt. mib-2. scriptMIB. smObjects. smScriptObjects. smScriptTable. smScriptEntry. smScriptOperStatus
Pas d'enfants disponibles pour cet OID
Description The actual status of the script in the runtime system. The value of this object is only meaningful when the value of the smScriptRowStatus object is `active'. The smScriptOperStatus object may have the following values: - `enabled' indicates that the script is available and can be started by a launch table entry. - `disabled' indicates that the script can not be used. - `editing' indicates that the script can be modified in the smCodeTable. - `retrieving' indicates that the script is currently being loaded from non-volatile storage or a remote system. - `compiling' indicates that the script is currently being compiled by the runtime system. - `noSuchScript' indicates that the script does not exist at the smScriptSource. - `accessDenied' indicates that the script can not be loaded from the smScriptSource due to a lack of permissions. - `wrongLanguage' indicates that the script can not be loaded from the smScriptSource because of a language mismatch. - `wrongVersion' indicates that the script can not be loaded from the smScriptSource because of a language version mismatch. - `compilationFailed' indicates that the compilation failed. - `noResourcesLeft' indicates that the runtime system does not have enough resources to load the script. - `unknownProtocol' indicates that the script could not be loaded from the smScriptSource because the requested protocol is not supported. - `protocolFailure' indicates that the script could not be loaded from the smScriptSource because of a protocol failure. - `genericError' indicates that the script could not be loaded due to an error condition not listed above. The `retrieving' and `compiling' states are transient states which will either lead to one of the error states or the `enabled' state. The `disabled' and `editing' states are administrative states which are only reached by explicit management operations. All launch table entries that refer to this script table entry shall have an smLaunchOperStatus value of `disabled' when the value of this object is not `enabled'.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-enabled, 2-disabled, 3-editing, 4-retrieving, 5-compiling, 6-noSuchScript, 7-accessDenied, 8-wrongLanguage, 9-wrongVersion, 10-compilationFailed, 11-noResourcesLeft, 12-unknownProtocol, 13-protocolFailure, 14-genericError)