Description | This object specifies how long the script can execute.
This object returns the remaining time that the script
may run. The object is initialized with the value of the
associated smLaunchLifeTime object and ticks backwards.
The script is aborted immediately when the value reaches 0.
The value of this object may be set in order to increase or
reduce the remaining time that the script may run. Setting
this value to 0 will abort script execution immediately,
and, if the value of smRunExpireTime is also 0, will remove
this entry from the smRunTable once it has terminated.
If smRunLifeTime is set to its maximum value (2147483647),
either by a set operation or by its initialization from the
smLaunchLifeTime object, then it will not tick backwards.
A running script with a maximum smRunLifeTime value will
thus never be terminated with a `lifeTimeExceeded' exit
The value of smRunLifeTime reflects the real-time execution
time as seen by the outside world. The value of this object
will always be 0 for a script that finished execution, that
is smRunState has the value `terminated'.
The value of smRunLifeTime does not change while a script
is suspended, that is smRunState has the value `suspended'.
Note that this does not affect set operations. It is legal
to modify smRunLifeTime via set operations while a script
is suspended. |