MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 1570 (ciscoTelesend). 1 (frMux). 6 (frxPort). 3 (frxUEocTable). 1 (frxUEocEntry). 2 (frxTestType)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. ciscoTelesend. frMux. frxPort. frxUEocTable. frxUEocEntry. frxTestType
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Module Cisco90Series-MIB (CISCO)
Description This parameter indicates the type of test to perform. It has no effect until frxStartTest is set to start the test. 1=Set up a loopback and run a PN-2047 Bit Error Rate Test. 2=Run a (straightaway) PN-2047 Bit Error Rate Test. This test assumes a loopback has been manually set up somewhere downstream or another test set running PN-2047 BERT is connected downstream. 3=Send corrupted CRC on the DSL. This has no effect on the frame relay CRC, only the out-of-band DSL CRC (used for performance monitoring) is corrupted. 4=Set up a loopback at the specified location to loop the frame relay or PPP data in both directions. 5=Setup a local loopback on all 4 ports. frxTestPort and frxLoopLoc are ignored for this test.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-loopbackAndBert, 2-bertOnly, 3-sendCorruptCRC, 4-loopbackOnly, 5-localLoopAllPorts)