MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 351 (stratacom). 110 (basis). 3 (cardSpecific). 17 (vismConfig). 4 (vismSystemGrp). 22 (vismVADTolerance)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. stratacom. basis. cardSpecific. vismConfig. vismSystemGrp. vismVADTolerance
Pas d'enfants disponibles pour cet OID
DescriptionThe value in this object refers to the customer accepted drop rate for voice connections when the bandwidth usage exceeds allowed value. The actual range of this object is 0.0001% - 1.00 % The unit is in percentage, since the default is 0.01 %, and since we cannot express such fractions in MIB , it is being multiplied by 10000 . However, when the underlying CAC module is notified of the change in this object, then the value has to be divided by a factor of 10000. Multiplication factor 10000 is picked as someone might be interested in a tolerance as low as 0.0001%. This object will be applicable in case of AAL2 SVCs where the user does not add a PVC and also this object will be applicable if the per PVC level object vismChanVADTolerance(defined in CISCO-VISM-CAC-MIB MIB) is configured to have a value of zero. Configuring this object will not have any affect when card level CAC is disabled (vismCacEnable).
SyntaxeInteger32 (1...10000)