MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 351 (stratacom). 110 (basis). 4 (basisLines). 3 (dsx1). 1 (dsx1Line). 1 (dsx1CnfGrp). 1 (dsx1CnfGrpTable). 1 (dsx1CnfGrpEntry). 5 (lineCoding)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. stratacom. basis. basisLines. dsx1. dsx1Line. dsx1CnfGrp. dsx1CnfGrpTable. dsx1CnfGrpEntry. lineCoding
Pas d'enfants disponibles pour cet OID
Description This variable describes the variety of Zero Code Suppression used on the link, which in turn affects a number of its characteristics. dsx1JBZS(1): refers the Jammed Bit Zero suppression in which the AT&T specification of at least one pulse every 8 bit periods is literally implemented by forcing a pulse in bit 8 of each channel. Thus, only seven bits per chan- nel, or 1.344 Mbps, is available for data. dsx1B8ZS(2): refers to the use of a specified pattern of normal bits and bipolar violations which are used to replace a sequence of eight zero bits. E1 links, with or without CRC, use dsx1HDB3 or dsx1AMI. dsx1AMI(4): refers to a mode wherein no zero code suppression is present and the line encoding does not solve the problem directly. In this application, the higher layer must provide data which meets or exceeds the pulse density requirements, such as inverting HDLC data. The default value for T1 is 'dsx1JBZS' and for E1 is 'dsx1HDB3'. This field is not applicable for FRSM-VHS cards and is set to notUsed(5).
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-dsx1JBZS, 2-dsx1B8ZS, 3-dsx1HDB3, 4-dsx1AMI, 5-unused)