MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 351 (stratacom). 110 (basis). 4 (basisLines). 4 (dsx3). 1 (dsx3Line). 1 (dsx3Config). 1 (cwDsx3ConfigTable). 1 (cwDsx3ConfigEntry). 11 (dsx3LineBERTPattern)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. stratacom. basis. basisLines. dsx3. dsx3Line. dsx3Config. cwDsx3ConfigTable. cwDsx3ConfigEntry. dsx3LineBERTPattern
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Description This object defines the test bit pattern to be used for BERT. The possible values are : Repetitive Patterns allZero(1): All Zeroes(Continuous spaces). This is repeating pattern of zeros(...000...). The use of this pattern is to test and verify that the ones density policing mechanism is functioning properly. This pattern must be used in circuits optioned for B8ZS. allOnes(2): All Ones(Continuous Marks). This is repeating pattern of ones(...1111...). This provides testing of maximum power level requirements. The all one pattern test causes the repeater to consume the maximum amount of power. If there is insufficient DC span power then the repeater may begin to fail. Typically this pattern is used for a simple continuity check. It may also be used to detect the presence of unwanted loop in the network. alternateOneZero(3): Alternate one/zero pattern(..1010..). This pattern produces a 50% ones density. It is used to stress the repeater's DC power consumption. doubleOneZero(4): Double alternate one/zero(..1100..). userOneWord(5), userTwoWords(6), userThreeWords(7), userFourWords(8), pattern2p15minus1(9) : This is the 2^15-1(32767 bit length) pattern as specified in ITU O.151. It has the maximum of 15(inverted) sequential zeros. This sequence is primarily intended for error and jitter measurements at bit rates of 1544, 2048, 6312, 8448, 32064 and 44736 kbit/s. pattern2p20minus1(10): This is the 2^20-1(1048575 bits in length) pattern specified in ITU O.153.It has the maximum of 19(non-inverted) sequential zeros. This pattern is primarily intended for error measurements at bit rates up to 73kbit/s. This pattern stresses the equalization and timing recovery circuitry of line repeaters. pattern2p23minus1(11): This is the 2^23-1(1048575 bits in length) pattern.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-allZero, 2-allOnes, 3-alternateOneZero, 4-doubleOneZero, 5-userOneWord, 6-userTwoWords, 7-userThreeWords, 8-userFourWords, 9-pattern2p15minus1, 10-pattern2p20minus1, 11-pattern2p23minus1)