MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 351 (stratacom). 110 (basis). 5 (basisServices). 1 (frameRelay). 2 (frChan). 1 (frChanCnfGrp). 1 (frChanCnfGrpTable). 1 (frChanCnfGrpEntry). 25 (chanType)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. stratacom. basis. basisServices. frameRelay. frChan. frChanCnfGrp. frChanCnfGrpTable. frChanCnfGrpEntry. chanType
Pas d'enfants disponibles pour cet OID
Description The value of this object is used for setting the channel type of a frame relay connection. If set with values frSIW-transparent(2) and frSIW-translate(3), all PVC data is subject to service interworking translation and mapping in both Frame Relay-to-ATM and ATM-to-Frame relay directions. The possible values are : frNIW(1) : Frame-Relay-to ATM Network Interworking(NIW-unicast). The traffic crosses the network as ATM Cells. frSIW-transparent(2): Service InterWorking with out any SDU translation. In transparent mode, the service module does not translate. frSIW-translate(3) : Service InterWorking with SDU translation. In translation mode, service module translates protocol between the FR NLPID encapsulation(RFC 1490) and ATM LCC encapsulation(RFC 1483). Translation mode support includes address resolution by transforming address resolution protocol (ARP, RFC 826) and inverse ARP(RFC 1293) between the frame relay and ATM Formats. frFUNI(4) : Frame based UNI: mode-1a which is ALL5. frForward(5) : frame forwarding. Frame forwarding operates same as standard frame relay except: * 2 byte Q.922 header is not assumed or interpreted. * All frames received are mapped to a specific connection if it exists. Otherwise the frames are dropped. * No DE/CLP or FECN/EFCI mapping is performed. * 'llegal Header count' and 'invalid DLCI' statistics are not kept/applicable. frNIWReplace(6) : Frame Relay network interworking with DLCI in FR-SSCS(Frame Relay Specific Convergence Sublayer)PDU always set to 1022.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-frNIW, 2-frSIW-transparent, 3-frSIW-translate, 4-frFUNI, 5-frForward, 6-frNIWReplace)