MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 351 (stratacom). 150 (ciscoWan). 11 (ciscoWanSrcpMIB). 1 (srcpObjects). 1 (srcpAdminObjects). 3 (srcpPeerTable). 1 (srcpPeerEntry)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. stratacom. ciscoWan. ciscoWanSrcpMIB. srcpObjects. srcpAdminObjects. srcpPeerTable. srcpPeerEntry
DescriptionRepresents an individual table entry in srcpPeerTable. Each row corresponds to an SRCP peer and is identified by its domain name (srcpPeerName). Entries in this table are implicitly created by the agent. If the agent supports MGMIB, this occurs as follows: An entry shall be created when an entry is created in the mgcRedundancyGrpProtocolTable(defined in CISCO-WAN-MGC-REDUN-MIB MIB) and when mgProtocolNumber (defined in CISCO-WAN-MG-MIB MIB) refers to SRCP as supported protocol. An entry will be made for all MGC(Media Gateway Controller) in that MGC Redundancy Group. Accordingly, an entry shall be deleted if the corresponding entry in the mgcRedundancyGrpProtocolTable is deleted. If the agent does not support MGMIB, entry creation might occur when the first SRCP communication with an IP address/domain name occurs. if MGC Redundacy feature is supported the following objects: srcpPeerHeartbeatInterval, srcpPeerTimeSinceHeartbeat rcpPeerMaxPduSize are not meaningful here. These objects are defined per MGC Redundancy Group rather than per MGC.