MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 351 (stratacom). 150 (ciscoWan). 22 (ciscoWanMgcRedunMIB). 1 (mgcRedundancyObjects). 3 (mgcRedundancyGrpProtocolTable). 1 (mgcRedundancyGrpProtocolEntry). 6 (mgcRedGrpProtResponseAckAttr)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. stratacom. ciscoWan. ciscoWanMgcRedunMIB. mgcRedundancyObjects. mgcRedundancyGrpProtocolTable. mgcRedundancyGrpProtocolEntry. mgcRedGrpProtResponseAckAttr
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Description Every command from the MGC could contain Response Acknowledgement attribute. This attribute consists a list of transaction IDs which are acknowledged by the Call agent. The gateway on receiving this can free up the resources attached to this transaction ID. When this attribute is present in the Gateway response, it should contain an empty list of transaction ID. This attribute in the response from the Gateway is to invite a response acknowledgement message from the MGC for this response. This will be present in the final response sent by the gateway only when a provisional response had been sent prior to this final response for the same transaction. This object determines whether the Gateway should include response acknowledgement in the final response. This object does not determine the capability of the Gateway to receive response acknowledgement attribute as part of MGC commands. 'sendResponseAckAttr' - Gateway will include response acknowledgement attribute as part of final response when a provisional response had been sent earlier. 'notSendResponseAckAttr' - Gateway will not include response acknowledgement attribute as part of final response when a provisional response had been sent earlier. The default value will be 'sendResponseAckAttr' for MGCP 1.0 protocol and 'notSendResponseAckAttr' for every other protocol. This object has no relevance when the protocol is SRCP.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-sendResponseAckAttr, 2-notSendResponseAckAttr)