MIB Discovery
1932 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 4491 (cableLabs). 2 (clabProject). 1 (clabProjDocsis). 6 (docsIfMCmtsMib). 1 (docsIfMCmtsObjects). 3 (docsIfMCmtsEqamObjects). 3 (docsIfMCmtsEqamGroupDependencyTable). 1 (docsIfMCmtsEqamGroupDependencyEntry)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. cableLabs. clabProject. clabProjDocsis. docsIfMCmtsMib. docsIfMCmtsObjects. docsIfMCmtsEqamObjects. docsIfMCmtsEqamGroupDependencyTable. docsIfMCmtsEqamGroupDependencyEntry
Description A conceptual row of this table. QAM channels are modeled as PhysicalClass 'port' from the ENTITY-MIB. An QAM channel can be represented as part of an entity MIB containment tree as follows: chassis(EQAM device) .container(EQAM Slot) .module(field-replaceable-module) .module ( Physical RF spigot) . port (QAM channel) PhysicalClass 'stack' is left optional and not included as a reference or examples for this table. Based on the hardware capabilities the Agent will create entries in this table including the entPhysicalEntry of the close element to the root (e.g., up to 'chassis' or 'stack') including the PHY parameter of the dependency as part of the entry index The Aggregation is then defined as all the QAM channels (entity PhysicalClass = 'port') below the tree as indicated in entyPhysicalContainsTable. Logical or software dependencies of the QAM channels PHY parameters in addition to the hardware dependency entries can be present and MUST persist to system re-initialization. The storage realization of hardware dependent entries are 'permanent' or 'readOnly'. The storage realization of logical dependency entries is 'nonVolatile'. PHY parameters dependencies being logically defined may be present in this table but its configuration is outside of the scope of this MIB Module, including the definition of simulated Physical components such backplane types or modules accomplish its logical grouping. PHY parameters with no Physical entities associated in this table indicates no PHY dependencies for certain groups of QAM channels. Administrative changes to the docsIfMCmtsEqamGroupDependencyPhyParamLock are preserved in non-volatile memory upon system re-initialization. Note that any change in the system due to the insertion or removal or components will reset to factory default the entries associated to those components. An entry in this table is reflected in the MIB object docsIfMExtDownstreamTSIDGroupPhyParamFlag for individual QAM channels. A recursive method to find the PHY dependency group of an QAM channel A, PHY parameter X is as follows: The parent tree of QAM channel A is recursively calculated by navigating entyPhysicalContainsTable from bottom to top Pi(P1..Pn) The list Mj (M1..Mn) of docsIfMCmtsEqamGroupDependencyPhysicalIndex represents the values from this table with PHY parameter docsIfMCmtsEqamGroupDependencyPhyParam X and/or 'all' The list Qi (Q1..n) is the list of matches of Mi in Pi Qi with the lower position in the entyPhysicalContainsTable is selected Qy and My is the group criteria selected. All QAM channels Bi below My are candidates of being in the dependency group. Each Bi is verified as A for its own BPi parent tree to verify that in effect My is the lowest denominator in Mi BPi intersection to become part of the Dependency Group of A.