MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 6486 (alcatel). 801 (alcatelIND1BaseMIB). 1 (alcatelIND1Management). 2 (managementIND1Software). 1 (softwareIND1Entities). 10 (softentIND1Routing). 14 (routingIND1ISIS). 1 (timetraIsisMIBModule). 10 (vRtrIsisObjs). 3 (vRtrIsisIfObjs). 2 (vRtrIsisIfLevelTable). 1 (vRtrIsisIfLevelEntry). 10 (vRtrIsisIfLevelAdminMetric)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. alcatel. alcatelIND1BaseMIB. alcatelIND1Management. managementIND1Software. softwareIND1Entities. softentIND1Routing. routingIND1ISIS. timetraIsisMIBModule. vRtrIsisObjs. vRtrIsisIfObjs. vRtrIsisIfLevelTable. vRtrIsisIfLevelEntry. vRtrIsisIfLevelAdminMetric
Pas d'enfants disponibles pour cet OID
Module ALCATEL-IND1-ISIS-MIB (Alcatel)
DescriptionThe default metric value of this circuit for this level. A value of 0 means that the metric is not configured. In such a case if the vRtrIsisReferenceBw is configured, the value of the metric should be calculated using the formula : Metric = reference-bandwidth / bandwidth. If the vRtrIsisReferenceBw is configured as Ten Gig (10,000,000,000) a 100-Mbps interface has a default metric of 100. In order for metrics in excess of 63 to be configured wide metrics must be deployed. If the reference bandwidth is not configured then all levels will have a default metric of 10. The operational value of the metric is maintained in the object vRtrIsisIfLevelOperMetric.
SyntaxeUnsigned32 (0...16777215)