OID | |
Module | ALCATEL-IND1-PIM-MIB (Alcatel) |
Nom | alaPimsmNonBidirHelloMsgsRcvd |
Acces | readonly |
Status | current |
Description | The number of PIM Hello messages that have been received by a BIDIR-capable device that do not have the Bidirectional Capable option. This counter is incremented if BIDIR mode is enabled on this router and a PIM Hello message is received from a PIM neighbor that does not include the Bidirectional Capable option. By default, the reception of these messages will not effect the BIDIR DF election. The alaPimsmBidirDFAbort object may be used to change the default behavior and have the DF election aborted whenever a BIDIR-capable router receives a PIM hello from a non-BIDIR-capable router. |
Syntaxe | Counter32 (SNMPv2-SMI) |