MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 6486 (alcatel). 801 (alcatelIND1BaseMIB). 1 (alcatelIND1Management). 2 (managementIND1Software). 1 (softwareIND1Entities). 26 (softentIND1Ntp). 1 (alcatelIND1NTPMIB). 1 (alcatelIND1NTPMIBObjects). 7 (alaNtpAccess). 2 (alaNtpAccessRestrictedTable). 1 (alaNtpAccessRestrictedEntry). 3 (alaNtpAccessRestrictedRestrictions)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. alcatel. alcatelIND1BaseMIB. alcatelIND1Management. managementIND1Software. softwareIND1Entities. softentIND1Ntp. alcatelIND1NTPMIB. alcatelIND1NTPMIBObjects. alaNtpAccess. alaNtpAccessRestrictedTable. alaNtpAccessRestrictedEntry. alaNtpAccessRestrictedRestrictions
Pas d'enfants disponibles pour cet OID
Module ALCATEL-IND1-NTP-MIB (Alcatel)
Description A mask indicating the restrictions to apply to the entry. 0x0001 - ignore, Ignore all packets from hosts. Can't use this on default ( 0x0002 - noserve, Ignore NTP packets other than information queries and config-uration requests. 0x0004 - notrust, Treat these hosts normally in other respects, but never use them as synchronization sources. 0x0008 - noquery, Ignore all NTP information queries and configuration requests from the source. 0x0010 - nomodify, Ignore all NTP information queries and configuration requests that attempt to modify the state of the server. 0x0020 - nopeer, Provide stateless time service to polling hosts, but do not allocate peer memory resources to these hosts even if they otherwise might be considered useful as future synchronization partners. 0x0040 - notrap, Decline to provide control message trap service to matching hosts. 0x0080 - lowpriotrap, Declare traps set by matching hosts to be low priority. 0x0100 - limited, These hosts are subject to a limitation of the number of clients from the same net. 0x0200 - version. Serves only current version. 0x0400 - demobilize. A demobilization packet (kod) packet is sent.
SyntaxeInteger32 (0...1023)