MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 6486 (alcatel). 801 (alcatelIND1BaseMIB). 1 (alcatelIND1Management). 2 (managementIND1Software). 1 (softwareIND1Entities). 62 (softentIND1Mvrp). 1 (alcatelIND1MVRPMIB). 1 (alcatelIND1MVRPMIBObjects). 9 (alaMvrpPortRestrictVlanConfig). 1 (alaMvrpPortRestrictVlanConfigTable). 1 (alaMvrpPortRestrictVlanConfigEntry). 3 (alaMvrpPortVlanRestrictions)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. alcatel. alcatelIND1BaseMIB. alcatelIND1Management. managementIND1Software. softwareIND1Entities. softentIND1Mvrp. alcatelIND1MVRPMIB. alcatelIND1MVRPMIBObjects. alaMvrpPortRestrictVlanConfig. alaMvrpPortRestrictVlanConfigTable. alaMvrpPortRestrictVlanConfigEntry. alaMvrpPortVlanRestrictions
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Module ALCATEL-IND1-MVRP-MIB (Alcatel)
DescriptionThe bitmap includes the status value for different type of restrictions that could be applied for a port VLAN combination. Each bit in the bitmap corresponds to the status of a particular restriction applied for a VLAN on the port. If the bit is set, the particular restriction is enabled for the VLAN port combination. Having the bit 'noRestriction(0)' set indicates that the no restriction is applied for the VLAN on the port. No other option can be applied along with this option. Having the bit 'restrictRegistration(1)' set indicates that the VLAN is restricted from getting registered on the port. Having the bit 'restrictAdvertisement(2)' set indicates that the advertisement for the VLAN is restricted on the port. Having the bit 'restrictStaticVlanRegistration(3)' set indicates that the registration on a port for a static VLAN is restricted.
SyntaxeMvrpPortVlanRestrictBitmap (ALCATEL-IND1-MVRP-MIB)