MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 6486 (alcatel). 801 (alcatelIND1BaseMIB). 1 (alcatelIND1Management). 2 (managementIND1Software). 1 (softwareIND1Entities). 74 (softentIND1Fips). 1 (alcatelIND1FipsMIB). 1 (alcatelIND1FipsMIBObjects). 14 (alaFcNpivStaticLoadBalance). 1 (alaFcNpivStaticLoadBalanceTable)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. alcatel. alcatelIND1BaseMIB. alcatelIND1Management. managementIND1Software. softwareIND1Entities. softentIND1Fips. alcatelIND1FipsMIB. alcatelIND1FipsMIBObjects. alaFcNpivStaticLoadBalance. alaFcNpivStaticLoadBalanceTable
Module ALCATEL-IND1-FIPS-MIB (Alcatel)
Description This table has the Rows of FC Interfaces and FCoE interface mapping for static loadbalancing. Load balancing algorithm is for the creation of FC sessions when there is more than one FC port is connected within a VSAN. Default is - new session is created on the port which has least number of sessions. dynamic-reorder - When new FC ports become active within the VSAN, some of the sessions are logged out and relogged in to load balace the sessions across the FC ports. enode-based - FC port on which new session is established is chosen based on ENODE MAC. static - This algorithm allows administrator to map sessions on specific FCoE port to a specific FC port(s).