MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 6486 (alcatel). 801 (alcatelIND1BaseMIB). 1 (alcatelIND1Management). 2 (managementIND1Software). 1 (softwareIND1Entities). 78 (softentIND1DPI). 1 (alaDPIMIB). 1 (alaDPIMIBObjects). 1 (alaDPICertConfig). 1 (alaDPIUpdateSignatureFile)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. alcatel. alcatelIND1BaseMIB. alcatelIND1Management. managementIND1Software. softwareIND1Entities. softentIND1DPI. alaDPIMIB. alaDPIMIBObjects. alaDPICertConfig. alaDPIUpdateSignatureFile
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Module ALCATEL-IND1-DPI-MIB (Alcatel)
DescriptionUpdates the signature file on the switch. This creates an application pool and loads the contents (list of applications that are part of the signature kit) of a new or updated application signature file into the switch. default: Updates only when the new signature file must be of a higher version than the running signature file, and must contain application signatures of old signature file and newly released applications signatures (if any). force: This option is used to update a signature file irrespective of the version of the signature file. autoCreat: This option is used to update a signature file and recreate the auto-groups. autoCreatForc: This option is used to update a signature file irrespective of the version of the signature file. and recreate auto-groups.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-default, 2-force, 3-autoCreat, 4-autoCreatForc)