OID | |
Nom | tmnxOamVprnTrL3MapRteOwner |
Acces | readonly |
Status | current |
Description | The value of tmnxOamVprnTrL3MapRteOwner indicates the protocol
that owns this route. It may be a local or remote route. |
Syntaxe | Enumeration (0-invalid, 1-local, 2-static, 3-rip, 4-ospf, 5-isis, 6-bgp, 7-bgpVpn, 8-ldp, 9-aggregate, 10-any) |
Module | TIMETRA-OAM-TEST-MIB (Alcatel) |
Nom | tmnxOamVprnTrL3MapRteOwner |
Acces | readonly |
Status | current |
Description | The value of tmnxOamVprnTrL3MapRteOwner indicates the protocol
that owns this route. It may be a local or remote route. |
Syntaxe | Enumeration (0-invalid, 1-local, 2-static, 3-rip, 4-ospf, 5-isis, 6-bgp, 7-bgpVpn, 8-ldp, 9-aggregate, 10-any) |