OID | |
Nom | tmnxOamLTtraceAutoTotalFecs |
Acces | readonly |
Status | current |
Description | The value of tmnxOamLTtraceAutoTotalFecs indicates the number of
Address FECs that have been selected for discovery during the
current discovery process.
An Address FEC imported from an LDP peer
(ALCATEL-IND1-TIMETRA-LDP-MIB:: vRtrLdpAddrFecTable)is selected if it passes
the associated policies (tmnxOamLTtraceAutoPolicy1..
tmnxOamLTtraceAutoPolicy5). |
Syntaxe | Unsigned32 |
Module | TIMETRA-OAM-TEST-MIB (Alcatel) |
Nom | tmnxOamLTtraceAutoTotalFecs |
Acces | readonly |
Status | current |
Description | The value of tmnxOamLTtraceAutoTotalFecs indicates the number of
Address FECs that have been selected for discovery during the
current discovery process.
An Address FEC imported from an LDP peer
(TIMETRA-LDP-MIB:: vRtrLdpAddrFecTable)is selected if it passes
the associated policies (tmnxOamLTtraceAutoPolicy1..
tmnxOamLTtraceAutoPolicy5). |
Syntaxe | Unsigned32 |