OID | |
Nom | vRtrIfProtocol |
Acces | readonly |
Status | current |
Description | The value of vRtrIfProtocol indicates which protocols are running
on this virtual router interface. If the bit corresponding to a
protocol is set, then the protocol is enabled on this interface. |
Syntaxe | Bits (0-ospfv2, 1-rip, 2-isis, 3-bgp, 4-mpls, 5-rsvp, 6-ldp, 7-igmp, 8-pim, 9-ospf3, 10-mld) |
Module | TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB (Alcatel) |
Nom | vRtrIfProtocol |
Acces | readonly |
Status | current |
Description | The value of vRtrIfProtocol indicates which protocols are running
on this virtual router interface. If the bit corresponding to a
protocol is set, then the protocol is enabled on this interface. |
Syntaxe | Bits (0-ospfv2, 1-rip, 2-isis, 3-bgp, 4-mpls, 5-rsvp, 6-ldp, 7-igmp, 8-pim, 9-ospf3, 10-mld) |