Description | Specifies whether the DHCP Timezone option (DHCPv4 option 100) is supported in the system.
Setting this value to FALSE, will clear Timezone and Summertime dynamic configuration,
so that:
1) rlTimeZoneTimeZoneCode and rlTimeZoneDaylightSavingTimeCode length will
be 0 for rlTimeZoneEntry whose index = 2 (dynamic entry).
2) the operative values of Timezone and Summertime will be those
statically configured. Thus, GET operations on the following
MIB scalars will result is static values:
rlTimeZone, rlTimeZoneCode, rlDaylightSavingTimeMode,
rlDaylightSavingTimeStart, rlDaylightSavingTimeEnd, rlDaylightSavingTimeOffset,
rlDaylightSavingTimeCode, rlTZDSTOffset. |