OID | |
Nom | rlDaylightSavingTimeStart |
Acces | readwrite |
Status | current |
Description | Daylight Saving Time start date. In recurring mode (format 1): week wday month hh:mm In recurring mode (format 2): RJul n hh:mm In date mode: month day year hh:mm week: 0-6 (0=First, 6=Last) wday: 1-7 (Sunday-Saturday) month: 1-12 (January-December) day: 1-31 year: 0-99 (2000-2099) hh: 0-23 (hours) mm: 0-59 (minutes) n: 0-365 (zero-based Julian day of the year. Leap days shall be counted, and it is possible to refer to February 29). Format 2 for recurring mode is used only in the dynamic entry and should not be used in the static entry (with index 1). |
Syntaxe | OctetString (14...14) |