OID | |
Nom | cvpdnTunnelAttrState |
Acces | readonly |
Status | current |
Description | The current state of an active VPDN tunnel. Tunnels of type l2f will have states with the 'l2f' prefix. Tunnels of type l2tp will have states with the 'l2tp' prefix. Tunnels of type pptp will have states with the 'pptp' prefix. Each state code is explained below: unknown: The current state of the tunnel is unknown. l2fOpening: The tunnel has just been initiated and is pending for a remote end reply to complete the process. l2fOpenWait: This end received a tunnel open request from the remote end and is waiting for the tunnel to be established. l2fOpen: The tunnel is active. l2fClosing: This end received a tunnel close request. l2fCloseWait: The tunnel has just been shut down and is pending for the remote end to reply to complete the process. l2tpIdle: No tunnel is initiated yet. l2tpWaitCtlReply: The tunnel has been initiated and is pending for a remote end reply to complete the process. l2tpEstablished: The tunnel is active. l2tpShuttingDown: The tunnel is in progress of shutting down. l2tpNoSessionLeft: There is no session left in the tunnel. pptpIdle: No tunnel is initiated yet. pptpWaitConnect: The tunnel is waiting for a TCP connection. pptpWaitCtlRequest: The tunnel has been initiated and is pending for a remote end request. pptpWaitCtlReply: The tunnel has been initiated and is pending for a remote end reply. pptpEstablished: The tunnel is active. pptpWaitStopReply: The tunnel is being shut down and is pending for a remote end reply. pptpTerminal: The tunnel has been shut down. |
Syntaxe | Enumeration (1-unknown, 2-l2fOpening, 3-l2fOpenWait, 4-l2fOpen, 5-l2fClosing, 6-l2fCloseWait, 7-l2tpIdle, 8-l2tpWaitCtlReply, 9-l2tpEstablished, 10-l2tpShuttingDown, 11-l2tpNoSessionLeft, 12-pptpIdle, 13-pptpWaitConnect, 14-pptpWaitCtlRequest, 15-pptpWaitCtlReply, 16-pptpEstablished, 17-pptpWaitStopReply, 18-pptpTerminal) |