MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 9 (cisco). 9 (ciscoMgmt). 107 (ciscoHsrpExtMIB). 1 (ciscoHsrpExtMIBObjects). 2 (cHsrpExtIfBIA). 1 (cHsrpExtIfTable). 1 (cHsrpExtIfEntry)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. cisco. ciscoMgmt. ciscoHsrpExtMIB. ciscoHsrpExtMIBObjects. cHsrpExtIfBIA. cHsrpExtIfTable. cHsrpExtIfEntry
DescriptionIf HSRP entries on this interface must use the BIA (Burned In Address), there must be an entry for the interface in this table. Entries of this table are only accessible if HSRP has been enabled i.e entries can not be created if HSRP is not enabled. Also, the interfaces should be of IEEE 802 ones (Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI,VLAN, LANE, TR-LANE). Setting cHsrpExtIfRowStatus to active initiates the entry with default value for cHsrpExtIfUseBIA as FALSE. The value of cHsrpExtIfRowStatus may be set to destroy at any time. If the row is not initiated, it is similar to having cHsrpExtIfUseBIA as FALSE. Entries may not be created via SNMP without explicitly setting cHsrpExtIfRowStatus to either 'createAndGo' or 'createAndWait'. Entries can be created and modified via the management protocol or by the device's local management interface. If the row is not active, and a local management interface command modifies that row, the row may transition to active state. A row which is not in active state will timeout after a configurable period (five minutes by default). This timeout period can be changed by setting cHsrpConfigTimeout.